How To Activate/Enable Your Calendars
Last Update a year ago
How To Activate Your Calendars
Step 1: Go To Calendar Setting
Navigate to calendar settings by clickin Calendar in the left hand side bar, then across the top Calendar Settings.
Step 2: Add a User To Calendar
- Click the three dots to the right hand side of the calendar name.
- Click Add User
- Select whoever you want to add
- Choose the meeting location you integrated
- Click save at the bottom
- Click off the pop up to go back to calendar settings. You can also click save again, and then complete.
Step 3: Enable the Calendar
Now that you have added a user you can enable the calendar.
- Click the 3 dots next to the calendar name agin
- Click enable Calendar Service
The calendar should change from a light grey name to a black name.
Step 4: Repeat Steps 1-3 for all your other calendars