SendInBlue Setup


Last Update một năm trước


This article will walk you through the full process of creating your Send In Blue account. Keep in mind, SendInBlue is NOT an email routing and tracking application. It is a 3rd party email marketing software.

Step 1: Select a Plan and Create an Account at Send In Blue has a variety of plans available, from as low as $0 (a trial account) to $65 a month. We're going to walk you through what each plan offers:

  • Trial: Great to test it out, not great for a functioning business
  • $25/Month: Send & receive up to 10,000 emails. Good option for smaller business.
  • $65/Month: Send & receive up to 20,000 emails. Best solution for marketing pros. Includes Facebook and retargeting ads, marketing automation, up to 20 landing pages, and up to 10 users.
  • Enterprise plan: a customized solution if you're looking for more than the above. You have the option to fully customize a plan based on your business needs.

NOTE: None of the above plans include a dedicated IP address which can impact successful email deliverability.

Step 2: Create your subdomain in SendInBlue.

  •  Log in to your SendInBlue account and your DNS manager (Godaddy, Cloudflare, etc)
  • Select the domain you want to use for SendInblue from a domain you already own or have purchased ( You will set-up a subdomain ( for SendInBlue so it's ok to choose a domain that is already being used.
  • Navigate to the 'Senders and API's' tab within SendInBlue and select 'Domains'
  • Create a subdomain such as or and enter it in the Domain Name field.
  • Click Add Domain

Step 3: Setup the Subdomain Records in Your DNS Manager

  • In SendInBlue, you will see the DNS entries; 3 TXT records and a TXT (SPF) record. Go into your DNS manager where you will set up the DNS entries.
  • Navigate to the DNS record section for the domain you are using within SendInBlue. You will now set up the 4 DNS records to ensure proper sending, replies and tracking. Follow directions in SendInBlue. Records are unique to your domain and SendInBlue account.
  • After adding and saving all 4 records, click "Record Added. Please Verify" next to each record within SendInBlue. All 5 should have the green check mark. If any do not, check the record and re-attempt.

NOTE: If the green check marks are not showing up, you'll want to ensure that the Host pieces for each record only have the sub-domain piece of the total record. For example, if the total record is, you would only put in

Step 4: Add SendInBlue as your SMTP Provider

  • Navigate to your Account Settings > Select MailGun & SMTP
  • Select 'Add Provider'
  • In SendInBlue, navigate to the 'SMTP & API' tab and select SMTP
  • Enter the information from SendInBlue into your account.
  • Save to confirm your changes.

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