Builder Campaign
Builder Campaign / Drag and Drop
Last Update setahun yang lalu
The Campaign builder allows you to fully customize each step within your campaign. To find out what each condition and action in the campaign means, you can check out this article.
- Go to Expandi.
- Click on Campaigns.
- Click on Add Campaign.
- Choose the Campaign Builder Type.
- Fill in the Campaign name.

6. The next screen you see will ask if you want to create the campaign with a template or without a template. These are pre-saved campaigns made by you/your team, which can then be duplicated if you like.
7. You will now be directed to the steps tab within the campaign. This section will be currently empty, but you can begin to drag and drop the actions and conditions you would like to use. (check out the video at the end, where we demonstrate how to connect the actions)

8. Remember to click the apply button to save your campaign
9. You should then click the People tab and add your search to the campaign.
10. Make sure your campaign Settings are applied how you need, and when you are ready you can set the campaign live by switching the Active button on.