Builder Campaign Overall Statistics

Builder Campaign | Statistics | Overall | Stats


Last Update 2 years ago

Here are the Overall Builder Campaign Statistics!

The Campaign Builder allows you to fully customize each step within your campaign. To find out what each condition and action in the campaign means, you can check out this article.

How to find the Overall Statistics, our team has done it's magic and added 2 more tabs in to the Builder Campaign, saying Per step stats and Chart Stats.

You would need to follow the following steps, to find them.

1. Go to Expandi

2. Go to the Campaign tab

3. Select the Builder Campaign you want to know the statistics from

4. When you click on Per step stat, you will see the following screen

5. Once you click the ''I'' (Info) Icon behind the steps you will be able to see who's currently on that step in the campaign. 

6. You can also click on the Chart Stats, then you would be able to see the screen below, this is the same one as on your dasboard, but is only showing you the charts from the Builder Campaign you selected. 

I hope this helps you on tracking your statistics, if not don't hesitate to ask us when needed help, you can so do on the intercom, live chat or [email protected]

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