Event Invite Campaign

Invite Campaign


Last Update 1 年前

The Event Invite Campaign allows you as an event owner or attendee to invite all your contacts to the event automatically. Adding only contact, new contact, imported (also has to be contacts or new contact) by search, my network, CSV.

  • Send invites to 1st-degree connections
  • Statuses allowed in the campaign: contact, new contact and imported
  • This campaign can be run by attendees and not just by the owner

Note! If imported contacts aren’t contacts or new contacts they won’t be invited to the event.

In order to create such a campaign you need to follow these actions:

1. Go to your Expandi account

2. Press on the Campaigns tab and click on Add Campaign

3. Select Event Invite campaign

4. Create a name for it

5. Select the event you are hosting. Important - the events that you created or attended will be displayed in the drop-down menu. If some of them are missing, please follow the steps here to sync them.

6. Once the event is selected, click create without the template

7. Assing the leads to the campaign. You can import people into the Event Invite Campaign from the search you've created (please check the search options here), My Network tab, or CSV file. Please make sure that all the leads selected are your contacts and new contacts. To learn more on how to assign the leads to the campaign please check this article.

8. Once the leads are assigned, please go to your campaign, press on settings, and on the Inactive toggle to make it Active. You can also schedule the time when the campaign will go live. To do this, you would need to turn off Start Immediately toggle and a section with the date and time will appear. Select the date and time and your campaign will be activated during the selected time. 

Finally, if you want to set limits for how many event invites will be sent per day, you can do this in the Profile Settings, Limits section

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