How To Integrate Your Facebook Account


Last Update 2 years ago


Incorporating your Facebook Ad leads account into your app will ensure that the leads you generate through your campaigns will be getting updates which can result in a higher conversion rate.

What you will need

  • Facebook Account

Step 1: Navigate to Settings > Integration > Facebook > Connect.

  • Follow the steps that pop up to allow Facebook permissions/access to connect your Facebook account.

Step 2: Once the Facebook account has been connected, you'll want to review your Facebook Lead Ads Forms.

  • Navigate to Settings > Integrations > Facebook Form Fields Mapping.

NOTE: Since this is a Demo Account we haven’t integrated any Facebook accounts so there is no actual data here. You can see the details of your Facebook Ad Leads under “Facebook Form Fields Mapping”, you can ‘Map your Fields’ there, then click ‘Update’ to Save. (Check out our Mapping Facebook Form Fields article for more details.)

Step 3: Now that Facebook is integrated, you can set up direct form Facebook Triggers for when a lead form is submitted in Workflows and Campaigns.

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