Inbound Campaign

Profile Views / Inbound Campaign


Last Update setahun yang lalu

The aim of this campaign is to outreach those who have viewed your LinkedIn profile. There is no need to add a search to your campaign, Expandi will import all your profile viewers as they come through and you can build the flow based on how you would like to outreach the lead.

Please note, for this campaign to work, you need to have a premium subscription on LinkedIn.

If a lead is currently in another Expandi campaign and they view your profile, they will not be duplicated and added into the Inbound campaign.

It is only possible to have one Inbound campaign live at once.

  1. Go to the Campaigns tab on the left hand side
  2. Select Add Campaign
  3. Select Inbound Campaign 

Create the specific flow you would like for your campaign. If you need help understanding how the campaign builder works, or what the actions and conditions mean, you can check out this article 

5. Go to the campaign settings

6. Set the limits you would like for this campaign and click Apply 

7. Set the campaign live, either by scheduling a date and time or by setting the Active button on (if it is blue, it is active!)

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