Placeholder Filters
Placeholder | Customization | Filters | Placeholder Filters
Last Update 2 jaar geleden
In the menu Placeholders, you can create placeholders but also use filters such as Enter filter words, Filter on tags, Filter on search, Filter on campaign.
Enter filter words
The placeholders can be filtered by entering keywords. When you enter filter words, they will be looked up in the person’s name, phone number, address, company name, job title and placeholders.
Filter on tags
You can filter on already existing tags. The Filter on tags button uses tags that were created in Expandi (in the Search menu they’re called Expandi tags). You can create tags in the Tag Management tool (wand icon).
Filter on search
Filter on campaign
When you click on filter on campaign, you can choose from the list of your campaigns. When you choose one or more campaigns, you will see the people who are part of that/these campaigns.