Registration Page Edit


Last Update a year ago

Pre-Edit Checklist

  • Answered the Workshop Content Questionnaire
  • Replaced the Custom Values

What you need to change in this page:

  • Images
  • Authority Photo
  • Logo
  • Texts including button texts
  • Countdown Timer (Contains the right date, time, & time zone)
  • Workshop Info: Time & Date, Spots Available, Host Name & Title

Go to "Sites" > Funnels > Workshop Funnel > Workshop | Registration and click "Edit Page"

The only text that you need to edit is this part:

Make sure that the footer is using Global section. You will see the color of the section is purple not green and it contains the word "Global - BCA Footer V2"

SEO Metadata

To change how the image looks like when you share the link on social medial, then do the following:

  • Step 1: Click Settings

  • Step 2: Click SEO Metadata

  • Step 3:On the right side, update the following:

Title = Short Title value (Recommended length: 60 characters)

Description = This 60-90 minute workshop will show you how to + Hook Part 1 & 2 (Recommended length: 155 - 160 characters)

Keywords = Same as short title

Author = Company/Brand Name/ Full Name

Social Image = Authority Photo (Recommended dimension: 1200 x 630)

Make sure to go to mobile view and edit it as well since the section where it belongs has a desktop and mobile version

Then the next element you need to edit is the Authority photo. You need to upload the image by doing the following:

Step 1: Click the image element

Step 2: The element setting in the left side will show up. Scroll down until you find "Image Options". The click the image icon. The Media library will pop up. All you need is to click the "Upload File" button on the top right.

Step 3: Once you uploaded the image, make sure the "Optimize Image Load is toggle on

Step 4: If the image is bigger or smaller based on our example, you can play around the Width and Height by adding the size. Usually 500px is the best size but again you can play around this.

Then click the timer countdown and replace it with the right date & time.

Make sure you click the time zone dropdown base on your location

Then edit date & time, spots available, & host by just clicking each orange elements

Make sure to go to mobile view and edit it as well since the section where it belongs has a desktop and mobile version

You can change the image here with your own photo.

Then on "What you will discover" section, edit the text by clicking each element where the arrow is pointing.

Then on "This training is for" section, edit the text by clicking each element where the arrow is pointing.

Make sure that the footer is using Global section. You will see the color of the section is purple not green and it contains the word "Global - BCA Footer V2"

SEO Metadata

To change how the image looks like when you share the link on social medial, then do the following:

  • Step 1: Click Settings
  • Step 2: Click SEO Metadata
  • Step 3:On the right side, update the following:

Title = Short Title value (Recommended length: 60 characters)

Description = This 60-90 minute workshop will show you how to + Hook Part 1 & 2 (Recommended length: 155 - 160 characters)

Keywords = Same as short title

Author = Company/Brand Name/ Full Name

Social Image = Authority Photo (Recommended dimension: 1200 x 630)

You will see the SEO preview when you scroll down under SEO Meta Data.

Once everything's correct: DON"T FORGET to click "Yes, Save"

Registration Form Edit

Go to this article to edit the form: Registration Form Edit

Registration Page Live Test

Go to this article to do a live test: Registration Page Live Test

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