Search Filters & Actions

Search | Filter | Tags | Search Filters | Filter on status | Filter on campaign | Export | Assign to a campaign | Reaction type


Last Update il y a 2 ans

When you open a search, you will see at the top of the page there are two buttons

  • Filters
  • Actions

Within the Filter section you have the ability to filter the list of leads using these filters:

  • Enter filter words
  • Filter on tags
  • Filter on status
  • Filter on campaigns
  • Assignment filter

Within a post engagement search you also have the ability to filter

  • Reaction type
  • Have/have not commented on the post
  • Poll options

Enter filter words

Enter filter words which will be looked up in the person’s name, phone number, address, company name, job title and placeholders.

Filter on tags

The Filter on tags button is used when you have used different tags and keywords in LinkedIn. If you have created them in LinkedIn, they will also appear here.

Filter on Status

Status means the kind of connection/relationship you have with a person. They can be Contact (1st connection), Searched (you have searched their profile but have not sent a connection request), New contact (recently added to your first degree connection), Connect Requested (you have sent a connection request to that person), Disconnected (you or them disconnected with each other).

Filter on Campaign

When you click on filter on campaign, you can choose from the list of your campaigns. When you choose one or more campaigns, you will see the people who are part of that/these campaigns.

Assignment Filter

This filter gives the user the ability to filter based on whether the lead has an Open profile to send Open InMails to them.

Reaction type

The Reaction type filter will appear only when you select a Post engagement search. There are five type of reactions and they match the LinkedIn reactions to the posts – Like, Praise (Celebrate), Empathy (love), Interest (insightful), Maybe (curious).

Show all

Just like the filter Reactions, the filter Show all will appear only for Post engagement search. It is self-explanatory – you can choose between people who have commented on the post you used for your Post engagement search, or the people who have not commented

Poll Options

On a Post Engagement search, you can import your own post with a poll. When you do this it is possible to filter on how the lead voted in your poll, with all the options they have available. 

Within the actions setting, you can do multiple things with the filtered leads:

  • Apply tag (and create tags)
  • Remove tag
  • Assign to a campaign
  • Export the list
  • Delete the lead

Expandi tags

You can filter on already existing tags. The Expandi tags button uses tags that were created in Expandi.

You can create tags when you click the wand icon which opens a Tag management where you can create your own tags in Expandi. To apply a tag you first need to select a person/multiple people and then choose from the list of tags you have created.

You can also create tags in the Placeholders and My Network menus, then choose the Tag Management tool (wand icon).

Remove tag

If you wish to remove tags in bulk, you can select the tag here and it will no longer appear beside the lead's name within the search.

Assign to a campaign

The button Assign to a campaign will be active only if you have selected people from your search. When you click on the button Assign to a campaign, this page will appear – there you have to choose which campaign you want to assign people to. You can select a start time of your choice or Expandi can do it automatically. To finish the task, just click on Add selected contacts to campaign

Assign all results

The button Assign all results will always be available to you. It's the icon next to "Assign to a campaign". You don’t need to select people. All people who are filtered on tags, campaigns, etc. who are shown on your screen right now, will be added to the campaign you select. You will get the same screen you would if you had clicked on Assign to a campaign. You can select a start time of your choice or Expandi can do it automatically. To finish the task, just click on Add selected contacts to campaign


This section can also be found in the article Export a CSV. Enter the filters you want (such as status, tags, campaign, search or keywords). You can also select the people you want to export. Click on Export and choose between the three options – Mail selected, filtered or all contacts. After you choose the option you want, you will be send a CSV to your mail address.

A new feature that Expandi has is to manually push the people through a web hook. You can do it in to ways - either select the people you want to push, or apply filters and push everyone who matches these filters.


To use the button Delete, you first need to select people from the list. By clicking on the button Delete, you are going to delete the people who are currently selected.

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