A/B Testing

AB Test | Split Testing | A B Test


Last Update 2 years ago

A/B testing is essentially creating multiple versions of the same campaign to see which one worked the best. You can create a list of leads and by selecting the A/B test feature, we will randomly separate the list into the campaigns you select. Here you can change up the messaging and when the campaign ends you can compare the metrics and statistics to see what works best for your audience.

The best way to do it would be to change only one thing at a time. If you change too many things it will be difficult to know what made a difference to your leads. There are many subtle changes you can make for the tests. A few ideas you could use would be:

๐Ÿš€ One connector campaign with a connector message, and one without a connector message

๐Ÿš€ One campaign using the Expandi X Hyperise integration and one without

๐Ÿš€ One campaign asking for discussion over Zoom and one asking to discuss over email

๐Ÿš€ One connector campaign with a simple Thanks for connecting message, and one connector message with a sales pitch connector message

To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Create the campaigns you wish to use.
  2. Complete the search you wish to use
  3. In the search, select the tab Assign all results. Likewise, you could select all the users and select the tab Assign to the campaign.
  4. Select the type of campaign you wish to add the users into
  5. Select the campaigns you wish to use from the pop down

1. Create the campaigns you wish to use

2. Complete the search you wish to use

3. In the search, select the tab Assign all results. Likewise, you could select all the users and select the tab Assign to the campaign

4. Select the campaign you wish to add the users into

The final step is to press Add selected contacts to the campaign. Then, each user will be added to the selected campaigns randomly.

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