Campaign Filters

Campaign | Filter | Campaign Filters


Last Update 2 years ago

The campaigns can be filtered by entering filter words. The keywords you enter will be looked up in the person’s name, phone number, address, company name, job title.

Additionally, when you open a campaign you can filter the people in it. These filters are Conversation Status, Contact Status, Filter on tags, Filter on Search and Campaign Status.

This is what you see when you are on the ''filter'' screen. 

When you open the ''Actions'' you'll see the ones below.

You are able to filter on Actions, Delete Contacts Actions, Remove tags from filtered contacts, Remove tags from selected contacts, Apply tag, Impost CSV, Export and Add by profile link. 

Enter filter words

Enter filter words which will be looked up in the person’s name, phone number, address, company name, job title.

Filter on Conversation Status

Conversation statuses can be:

  • No Interaction (if they have yet to be contacted through the campaign they are currently in),
  • Awaiting Reply (you contacted this person through Expandi),
  • Replied (this person replied to you),
  • Email required to connect (Expandi couldn't reach this person because you need to fill in their email address when you send them a connection request).
  • There is a new one as well, Email is an incorrect LinkedIn handle. 

Please keep in mind if you re-add the same lead to the campaign or transfer them to another one, their conversation status will change to No Interaction.

Filter on Contact Status

Status means the kind of connection/relationship you have with a person.

They can be:

  • Contact (1st connection),
  • Searched (not yet contacted),
  • New contact,
  • Connect Requested (you have sent a connection request to that person),
  • Imported (you imported them with a CSV).
  • Disconnected - you or they disconnected with each other (are no longer 1st-degree connections)
  • Revoked - your connection request was rejected or withdrawn (both manually or automatically)

Filter on tags

You can filter on already existing tags. The Expandi tags button uses tags that were created in Expandi.

You can create tags from the menu My network you have a tag icon that opens Tag management where you can create your own tags in Expandi. To apply a tag you first need to select a person/multiple people and then choose from the list of tags you have created.

Filter on campaign

The campaigns have 3 statuses - Running (currently active for this person), Paused (the campaign is paused for this person because he already replied, was paused manually or he was already a contact - for connector campaigns), and Continued (the campaign was paused and then recently resumed for this person).


This section can also be found in the article Export a CSV. Enter the filters you want (such as status, tags, campaign, search, or keywords). You can also select the people you want to export. Click on Export and choose between the three options – Mail selected, filtered, or all contacts. After you choose the option you want, you will be sent a CSV to your mail address.

A new feature that Expandi has is to manually push the people through a webhook. You can do it in two ways - either select the people you want to push or apply filters and push everyone who matches these filters.


To use the button Delete, you first need to select people from the list. By clicking on the button Delete, you are going to delete the people who are currently selected.

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