Account Setup: Step 2 - Integrate Google Calendar


Last Update één jaar geleden

Pre-requisite: If you are using multiple Google Calendars , we need to sync them with your main calendar to avoid conflicts.

If you haven't done that, then open this document before continuing below:

Sync Multiple Google Calendars

Once you can login to the ProCoach Platform, we need to integrate your Google Calendar.

Go to settings by clicking right click open in new window and click Integrations.

NOTE: `If you have multiple calendars, this is going to be the primary , means this is what will be used to sync (read and write) events from ProCoach Platform. This is where you need to integrate ALL of the Google Calendars that might cause conflicts.

Then click "Connect" under Connect your location's Google Account.

Select the Account you want to use and click "Allow"

You will be redirected here but just click "Close!".

You will see that your account is already connected. This is your primary calendar account.

NOTE: MAKE SURE YOUR CALENDAR TIMEZONE IS THE SAME INSIDE ProCoach Platform (Settings > Company > Timezone)

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