Account Setup: Step 5 - Calendar Setup
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After adding your Google Calendar account, go to settings again by clicking right click open in new window, select calendar, and edit EACH calendars (screenshots below)
- There are 3 steps here: Team Event Setup, Availability, & Confirmation. The instructions below is what you need to edit, the rest will be setup later.
Team Event Setup
- If you have more than 1 to take the call, decide if you're going to optimize for availability or Equal distribution.
- Make sure to select Zoom in the dropdown if you have integrated it, NOT paste the zoom link in Meeting location or it won't work.
- Click Save
- You will be redirected to Step 2 - Availability. This is where you're going to setup your calendar.
- This is already prebuild but you can change the setting anytime you want.
- You don't need to change the Office hours because the setup you did awhile ago in User Availability will override this.
- Then click save again if you change anything.
- You don't need to do anything here unless you want to change the settings like "allowing google calendar to send invitation" or accepting payments on call.
- Scroll down and click complete.
Additional Notes:
- If privacy is an issue, block off the time you want to get calls in your main calendar and set up these block off time in ProCoach Platform as your availabilty.