Global Inbox

Inbox | Global Inbox | Agency


Last Update 2 年前

If you have an agency in Expandi with multiple LinkedIn accounts, we have a solution that can help you manage everyone's inboxes in one place without checking each one separately. Global Inbox will facilitate managing your customers' profiles in one place.

  1. Go to Expandi.
  2. Click on your account.

3. Global Inbox option will appear in the drop down box.

After clicking it, you will see the exact same screen you have in your normal Inbox tab in Expandi. However, now you can manage all your clients from one place.

Using the Global Inbox you do not have to switch to each account individually to manage the messages.

4. In Global Inbox you will see 7 different filters:

Filter on agency - to find all the customers who are under one agency

Filter on company - to find all the customers from a specific company

Filter on LinkedIn account - to find your customer immediately by name

FIlter on filter words - such as name

Filter on Status - Contact, Searched, New contact, Imported

Filter on Chat Status - Read and Unread / Unread only

Filter on Conversation Status - No interaction, Awaiting Reply, Replied, etc.

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