Reply Templates

Inbox | Inbox Templates | Template Messages | Reply Templates


Last Update 2 年前

If you would like to save some standard replies that you often use to your prospects, it is now possible to use the inbox templates to do so. To access the inbox templates, there are two possibilities: through the Campaigns or simply through the Inbox tab.

Using the Campaigns Menu:

  1. Go to the Campaigns tab.
  2. Click on the desired campaign.
  3. Choose the person you would like to message.
  4. Under the corresponding inbox on the right, there will be a reply templates option.
  5. From the drop down menu you can select an already existing one and the message will be copied to the as a reply.
  6. To make a new one you will be able to press the blue button Create.
  7. Give it an appropriate name and reply message.
  8. In the overview, Manage Reply Templates you are able to edit an existing reply template by double clicking over the name or content of the message.
  9. It is also possible to delete an inbox template with the red trash can icon.

Using the Inbox Menu:

  1. Go to the Inbox tab.
  2. Choose the person you would like to message.
  3. Under the corresponding inbox on the right, there will be a reply templates option.
  4. From the drop down menu you can select an already existing one and the message will be copied to the as a reply.
  5. To make a new one you will be able to press the blue button Create.
  6. Give it an appropriate name and reply message.
  7. In the overview, Manage Reply Templates you are able to edit an existing reply template by double clicking over the name or content of the message.
  8. It is also possible to delete an inbox template with the red trash can icon.

Keep in mind that these inbox templates are unique to each LinkedIn account and cannot be shared.

It is possible to include dynamic placeholders, such as {first_name} to the messages and the information will be filled in accordingly when the software visits the contact's LinkedIn account.

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