Integrate Your Calendar (Google or Outlook or...)


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Integrate Google

Integrating with Google allows you to sync your calendar to your Google Calendar as well as for reporting related to Google Ads.

Step 1: Go to Settings > Integrations

Step 2: Click “Connect” Under the Google Icon

Step 3: Select the account you wish to connect

Step 4: Enter your password (if prompted).

Step 5: Agree to the Terms & Conditions by click Allow

Step 6: Click Close.

You can now sync your Calendar to the integrated Google Account within Calendar Settings. You can also add analytics and Ad Word information for tracking & attribution purposes. To set up your Gmail SMTP, check out our article specifically about that as it is a separate process from the Google Integration. 

Integrate Outlook

Outlook calendar integration is a great feature you can use with a Teams Calendar. This allows you to create and sync calendar invites for Outlook, and to sync back to the system.

NOTE: Only, Office365,, and Hotmail calendars are supported. You can also have only one (1) Outlook account connected to one user in your system at a time.

Step 1: Connecting to the Outlook Integration

  • Navigate to Settings > Profile.
  • Scroll down to “Integrations” and click on the “Connect” button next to Outlook Calendar.

Step 2: Configure the Calendar to use Outlook Integration

  • Navigate to Settings > Profile.
  • Under “Calendar Configuration” go to “Primary Calendar”.
  • Click edit.
  • Select your Outlook account and find your calendars. Select the one you want to read/write.

    • NOTE: your Primary Calendar will read all the calendar events from Google/Outlook and write all the appointments to Outlook/Google.

  • Navigate to “Check for Conflicts” and click on the edit button.
  • Here you can select the calendar that you want to check for conflicts from.

    • NOTE: this will only read calendar events from Google/Outlook.

How to Integrate A Calendar Using Calendar Bridge

This article will walk you through how to integrate a Calendar in your account using Calendar Bridge. Calendar Bridge is an application that can sync multiple calendars. If you have a 3rd party calendar, other than Google or Outlook, you can sync it to a Google Calendar, and sync that Google calendar with the system (using the Google calendar as a ‘bridge’).

NOTE: We have specific integration tutorials for Google or Outlook Calendars individually. Please follow those in-depth articles for each calendar integration step-by-step. Or, follow along below for any other 3rd party calendars you wish to integrate.

Step 1: Get Started with Calendar Bridge

  • Create a Calendar Bridge account at
  • Select "Connect Calendar Account" and proceed to connect your calendar accounts. (Here you will need your 3rd party calendar and a Google Calendar.)
  • Once you've completed connecting both accounts, select "Start Syncing Calendars" on the next screen.
  • Select 'Source' Calendar as the calendar you wish to integrate and 'Destination' Calendar as the Gmail Calendar and proceed making your Sync selections. 

Step 2: Integrate Google Account with CRM

  • Navigate to Settings > Integrations > Select 'Connect Google Account'
  • Proceed with Google Integration Steps
  • Either assign Google calendar to an account calendar or assign to your user
    • NOTE: If you'd like to assign to your user, you can do so in Settings > Team Management > Select User > Scroll down to 'Calendar Integrations' > Select Google Calendar
  • Navigate to Schedule > Calendar > Select desired calendar (either user calendar or account calendar) and confirm that all necessary schedules are reflected.

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