Import Contacts from CSV

Search | CSV | Import Contacts from CSV | Upload a CSV | Create a CSV


Last Update hace 2 años

A CSV file is a file, created in Excel which has all the information you need for a person you want to connect with or message such as first and last name, email, phone number, company name, address, LinkedIn URL, etc.

Keep in mind that your CSV file cannot be bigger than 1 MB (depending on the number of columns you have, this will be approximately 2500 people).

Check out an example of the format, in which an uploaded CSV should be.*

*Your CSV file should ALWAYS include a URL to a user’s LinkedIn profile.

  1. Go to "Search" in the left menu
  2. Create a New search by clicking the + button
  3. Enter a name for your search
  4. Choose the tab Import contacts from CSV
  5. Click on Browse Files and choose a file to upload
  6. Wait for CSV to be parsed
  7. Choose a CSV delimiter
  8. In the Map to field section, link the names of the columns to the accurate type of information
  9. Send CSV for processing
  10. Wait for CSV to be uploaded

In order to upload a CSV file, you should click on the menu Search to your left. A page with you’re your current results (if you have already searched for people) will appear.

  1. Name your search (if you don’t, you won’t be able to proceed).
  2. Click on Import Contacts from CSV.
  3. Click on Browse Files and choose the file you want to upload.

Your CSV file cannot be bigger than 1 MB (approximately 2500 people)

After you have selected a CSV file, it needs to be parsed which takes time. Once it’s parsed, a few rows are going to appear.

First, you should choose a delimiter - the way you’ve separated the columns could be a , or ; or any other symbol you’ve chosen – fill it in the text box called Detected delimiter.

When you look at your screen, you will see that three columns appear. The first column, called Key from CSV is the information that was in your first row in the CSV you uploaded. The second column is the Example value which contains the details from the first person you entered in your CSV file. The third column is Map to field which contains the different placeholders you can choose from to match to the column Key from CSV.

In the column Map to field you can choose from several different options such as first name, last name, phone, address, etc. Each one of them can exist only once in your list (except for the Dynamic placeholders). If you don’t want to include some of the information from your CSV file, choose the option Skip about to the field you want to skip.

Match the data from column Map to field to the column Key from CSV.

Don’t forget to include users’ LinkedIn profile URLs.

Check the example below.

First_name in the column Key from CSV is linked to first_name in the Map to field column.

Profile_link in the column Key from CSV is linked to profile_link in the Map to field column.

After you’ve matched the information from the Map to field to the Key from CSV columns and you’ve made sure that everyone has a LinkedIn profile URL attached, you can click on Send CSV for processing.

In case there are LinkedIn URLs that are repeated more than once in your CSV file, Expandi will as you to fix this mistake in your file before you’re able to send the CSV for processing (you will also see which links are repeated, in case of such issue).

The last step is to wait for your CSV file to be processed.

The more people you’ve uploaded from the CSV file, the slower the program will be.

Be patient.

If you don’t see the progress bar as on the picture below, refresh your page.

After it's processed, you can click on the view icon to check out the people you uploaded and their details.

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