Sales Navigator Search

Search | Sales Navigator | Sales Navigator Search | LinkedIn Premium


Last Update 2 ปีที่แล้ว

You must have a premium LinkedIn account in order to use the Sales Navigator tool in LinkedIn and consequently, the Sales Navigator search in Expandi.

Keep in mind that only 2500 people will be imported in your account at once.

It's LinkedIn limit (not Expandi). Even if you see 10k+ results, you can get only 2500 results (25 leads at 100 pages).

  1. Go to LinkedIn Sales Navigator
  2. Choose whether you want to import your saved searches or make a new search
  3. Copy the URL of the search
  4. Go to Expandi
  5. Go to Search
  6. Create a New Search by clicking the + button
  7. Go to Sales Navigator
  8. Paste the URL
  9. Apply

In order to use the Sales Navigator tool in Expandi, you should first go to your LinkedIn Sales Navigator. There you should decide between using a saved search or if you’re going to make a new one.

If you use a saved search, simply click on the Saved Searches button next to the search toolbar. There, choose the saved search you would like to use. Open it.

When you open the chosen search, copy the URL address.

If you want to create a new search, you should choose if it’s for leads or for accounts.

After you’ve decided which type of search you want to execute, a pop-up window will appear with all the criteria you can use for your search. In the upper right corner, next to the button Search, you can see the number of results.

Reminder: Expandi will import a maximum of 2500 people from one search.

We suggest you put criteria such as Relationships (only 2nd, 3rd, and groups – no chance of adding a 1st-degree connection).

After executing the search, simply copy the URL.

  1. Go to Expandi. On the left side, where are the menus, go to the menu called Search.
  2. Create an Add New Search and choose the Sales Navigator search

3. Fill in the name of your campaign and click the Next button.

4. Paste the URL that you copied from Sales Navigator

Keep in mind that only 2500 people will be imported into your account at once.

5. Click on Search. Wait until all of the LinkedIn accounts are added to your search.

We have a new feature that makes the use of Sales Navigator even easier and more convenient. You can choose the option Auto Reload. By clicking on it you will reload the search and if there are any new people under those conditions, they will be added.

It will allow the search to reload every set number of days.

You can choose how frequently you want the search to reload. You can choose between the options 3 days, 7 days, 14 days, and 30 days.

The last step is to choose where you want these people (and the upcoming ones) to be added. In the last section, you can select the campaign to which you want to add these people.

Warning: If you choose the search results to be auto-added to a connector campaign only search results outside of your network will be added to the campaign. If you choose a messenger campaign only search results within your network will be added to the campaign.

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