Recruiter Search

Search | Recruiter Search | LinkedIn Recruiter


Last Update 2 years ago

You must have a LinkedIn Recruiter Lite account in order to use this search function.

Keep in mind that only 1000 people will be imported into your account at once.

Also, did you know that we also support other Recruiters now?

Like Recruiter Pro instead of Recruiter lite. So you would be able to use them both, now. 

Part 1:

  1. Go to LinkedIn Recruiter Lite or to Recruiter Pro
  2. Create a new search or use a saved one like Pipeline or Project
  3. Copy the link (URL) of your search

Part 2:

  1. Go to Expandi
  2. Go to Search
  3. Create a New Search
  4. Go to Recruiter Search
  5. Paste the URL
  6. Search

If you want to use the Recruiter search tool in Expandi, it’s important to know that you should have a LinkedIn Recruiter Lite or a Recruiter pro account for this function to be available to you.

Go to LinkedIn Recruiter Lite/Pro. You can create a new search with keywords or with advanced filters (such as job positions, education, etc.) or you can use your Projects (saved searches). Whichever you choose, open the search.

When you open your Project or conduct a new Search, you should copy the URL of the page with your search.

Go to Expandi. Go to the menu Search and create a New Search.

Fill in the name of your search. The page will directly open the Basic search, but you should choose the Recruiter Search. Chose if you want to between Recruiter Pro instead of Recruiter light. Paste the URL which you copied. And click Search.

We have a new feature which makes the use of Recruiter Search even easier and more convenient. You can choose the option Auto Reload. It will allow the search to reload every set number of days.

You can choose how frequently you want the search to reload. You can choose between the options 7 days, 14 days, and 30 days.

The last step is to choose where you want these people (and the upcoming ones) to be added. In the last section, you can select the campaign to which you want to add these people.

Click on Search. Wait until all of the LinkedIn accounts are added to your search.

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