Poll Scraping

Search | Poll Search | Poll Scraping | Poll


Last Update 2 years ago

Now in Expandi it is possible to scrape all the people that have voted in your LinkedIn poll. Please note that you have to be the author of the poll, otherwise scraping will not be possible.

Also good to note that the poll must be a part of a public post from the user's own profile, not, for example, a poll that has been posted into a private group.

Poll Scraping search can be found inside of the Post Engagement search.

  1. Go to LinkedIn.
  2. Find your poll. Click on the three dots in the upper right corner of the post. Then click on Copy link to post.

3. Go to Expandi.

4. Go to Search tab. Then click New Search.

5. Choose Post Engagement (you can follow the exact same steps as explained here)

6. Once you scrape the voters from your poll, this option will appear, so you can filter them according to their votes.

7. Then you can assign the prospects to your Expandi campaign.

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